修改admin.php文件,打开后台后页面乱码 只读

shatangzhou 2018-04-21 09:12:41


修改文件名以后 输入ip/xxx.php后 出现下面的代码,修改的文件名只有英文,没有空格 特殊字符啥的

* @package chanzhiEPS * @version $Id$ * @link http://www.chanzhi.org */ /* Turn off error reporting first. */ /* Start output buffer. */ ob_start(); /* Define the run mode as admin. */ define('RUN_MODE', 'admin'); /* Load the framework.*/ include 'loader.php'; /* Check admin entry. */ checkAdminEntry(); /* Instance the app. */ $app = router::createApp('chanzhi', $systemRoot); $config = $app->config; /* Check the reqeust is getconfig or not. Check installed or not. */ if(isset($_GET['mode']) and $_GET['mode'] == 'getconfig') die($app->exportConfig()); if(!isset($config->installed) or !$config->installed) die(header('location: install.php')); $common = $app->loadCommon(); /* Change the request settings. */ $config->frontRequestType = $config->requestType; $config->requestType = 'GET'; $config->default->module = 'admin'; $config->default->method = 'index'; /* Run it. */ $app->parseRequest(); $common->checkPriv(); $app->loadModule(); /* Flush the buffer. */ echo helper::removeUTF8Bom(ob_get_clean());
